How to make a wish under. How to make a wish so that it comes true quickly? Only sincere words have a chance to be realized

There is only one day left before the New Year. Do you already know what you are looking forward to in 2020? If the answer is yes, then this article is for you. The author of the marathon of desires, Elena Blinovskaya, told how to correctly formulate your dreams so that they come true.

Ahead of the New Year is a magical time when you especially believe in miracles and hope that everything you dream of will happen in the next 12 months. Under the chiming clock, millions of people make wishes. But are we doing it right?

Elena Blinovskaya, the author of the most popular personal growth marathon, helped us answer this question.

Millions of people, including celebrities, after passing it noted that they were able to improve their lives qualitatively and, thanks to simple but effective techniques, learned to get what they wanted. Whatever it is.

“If you are looking for an easy way, there is none. Take the same wish card - many people know about it, but only a few use it correctly. Without fertile soil, such a map can even do harm. For example, if a girl has a lot of internal conflicts and problems with herself, but she still stubbornly sticks a photo of a prince on a white horse on the card, then if he rides, then in a couple of days he will ride further. In this case, you must first of all tune in to work on yourself, ”Blinovskaya immediately warns.

At our request, Elena outlined five important points, although she emphasized that there is simply no short algorithm on how to learn how to make wishes correctly. No wonder her marathon lasts four weeks.

1. Desire should be to yourself

The first and most important thing: you need to make a wish for yourself. Only when you are happy yourself can you make people around you happy. Often, women dream of something for their children, husband, friends, forgetting about themselves, hiding their personal “Wishlist” somewhere far away.

This is fundamentally wrong.

For example, even if your desire is for a spouse to earn a lot of money, formulate it differently: "I want to live happily with my husband who earns a lot."

2. Charge your desire with the right energy

Even if there is a moment of despair in your life, leave this sadness and make a wish out of gratitude, from a pure heart, with a positive attitude and in a positive way.

What has been envisioned must be sincere, consonant with your true needs at the present time.

For example, instead of the desperate “May I finally have a man in the new year,” say something like “I want a caring and loving man next to me in the new year, whom I myself will love with all my heart.” Feel the difference?

3. Your desire should not contain the particle “not”

No less important point than the previous two, because without it all your efforts may be in vain. It seems to be a desire about oneself, beloved, and made in a positive way, and does not come true (or comes true exactly the opposite).

And all why? Yes, because the wording is also very important.

For example, you can think of “Next year I want not to get sick” and with a high probability you will catch a virus. If you don’t want to get sick, guess “I want to be healthy next year.” If you do not want to work overtime - formulate "I want to have time to complete the work on time and have more free time."

4. You can talk about your desire

A good option would be not to tell anyone at all about what you have thought of: just formulate your desire and do not get hung up on it, thereby allowing the Universe to fulfill it.

5. Desire to be eco-friendly

We all, one way or another, want to love and be loved, to live in abundance and comfort. However, if you see this very love in your girlfriend's husband, and the only way to get rich for you is, say, to take away a profitable project from a colleague, then such desires are called non-ecological.

How you formulate the desire depends on what you get in the end. This is really important, so now I will tell you about all the nuances, otherwise the desire may come true exactly as it was made - but, alas! with a lot of side effects.

It turns out that few people know how to make a wish correctly, and I constantly receive questions on this topic. After writing the first version of this article, quite a bit of time has passed, during which I received feedback and comments, my experience has also deepened, and as a result, the article has been completely rewritten.

So, how to make a wish?

Have you read Andersen's book "Galoshes of Happiness"? She clearly shows how carefully you need to be careful about your thoughts and tells what happened to a person who fulfilled every wish that came to mind. The result was sad - he died.

As examples, I will use real questions, most of which were posted in the reviews of the previous version of the article. You can verify this by reading all the comments below.

1. Formulate your intention in the present tense, as if it had already come true!

In some letters, site visitors complain that wishes do not come true, although they wrote them down in the Wish Book. Sometimes I asked for an example (anonymous, of course). And what did it turn out?

Very often there are such options: "I want to have a close relationship with N.", "I want to earn 90 thousand rubles a month", "I want to have my own apartment."

Dear friends! It won't work! Do you say what you want? Well, you want as much as you want. The universe won't mind. There is even a chance that she will not give you what you want for longer, so that you continue to want. It makes no sense to say "I want!", "I hope!", "I wish!" Instead, state in the present tense that you already have it. Write: "I have a close relationship with N.", "I earn 90 thousand rubles a month", "I have a wonderful spacious apartment."

This is how you state your intent.

2. Don't limit yourself to exact deadlines!

The second very common mistake is trying to time the wish for a certain date. For example, if you write "I will lose weight by 02/12/2014" or "He will come to me and confess his love on Valentine's Day", then most likely you will get disappointed. The universe needs time to fulfill its thoughts, perhaps to prepare some circumstances, or some of your beliefs that interfere with it must change. If at the moment when you have already tuned in and waited, nothing happens, you will think that this is nonsense, that nothing is working. The universe will agree with you because your life reflects your beliefs.

May the dream come true at the right time for this. You can't know exactly what time it is.

3. Forget about "not"

In the formulation of the goal, avoid using the particle "not". Decide for yourself what you want and don't want.

Example from reviews:

Hello. I read the book The Secret. It says that the Universe does not distinguish between negations, i.e. I don't have and I have bad habits - it's one and the same. As a result, difficulties arose. How to make a wish, just write, I quit smoking? Tell me please.

Answer: I lead a healthy, non-smoking lifestyle.

4. Feelings instead of details

If you watched the movie "Blinded by Desires", you can imagine how difficult it is to formulate a wish in such a way that the result is completely satisfied.

In various sources, it is often advised to write down the details of what you want in great detail, literally make lists, for example, of the desired qualities of the man you want to meet. But in practice it has been verified that it is impossible to foresee everything.

Forum participants wrote that they met a man with all the described characteristics, but he, for example, turned out to be unfaithful and quickly began to change. I still remember the statement of this girl: “but I didn’t think that it was necessary to write fidelity ... I thought this quality was included in the kit.” No less common is the option that love with such a “completely suitable list” man does not happen at all, he simply turns out to be inappropriate. This is not just like that - you cannot know exactly which man is suitable for solving your life and personal tasks. What to do?

I propose to use more general formulations for the description, perhaps using not so much certain characteristics, but feelings and emotions:
“I am happy and calm with my beloved man,”
“I am completely satisfied with my work, morally and financially”,
“I feel free and light, I have a constant stable income that covers my needs”

5. Desire to be eco-friendly

That is, it must not cause harm to third parties. Of course, few people consciously wish harm to others, scrupulously writing it down in the Book of Desires (for example, that my neighbor be fired and his wife left him!), But you should not wish that your lover abandoned his family for you. Sometimes I am asked questions about what to do if a dream can come true in a negative way, for example, you want to get a certain amount of money or an apartment, and here your aunt is lying on her last legs, but you don’t want her to die at all. In this case, add the phrase "the implementation will be simple and pleasant for the benefit of me and others."

However, for safety net and so that you yourself are not disappointed in how the intention is realized, you can add this phrase to all your desires.

6. Do not include specific individuals in the description

This item causes the most questions and disputes, and this is understandable, because our strongest aspirations, as a rule, are connected with the love sphere, where these people cannot be dispensed with.

Why do I advise you to avoid it? But because a particular person may not want a relationship with you, and with your will you will try to influence his soul. The result can be the exact opposite effect. But if you desperately want to have a relationship with him, then clearly stipulate in the wording that the execution is permissible only if this does not contradict the inner thoughts of this person.

Here are a few questions and answers that I brought to this point from the reviews:

But how to correctly formulate a desire for the return of an ex-boyfriend? "I am building a happy future together with N, if he also subconsciously wants it" or "I accept N who returned to me to build our happy future together with him, if this does not contradict his subconscious intentions." Or do you need a different wording, more correct, short and specific??? Tell me please!!!

Answer: I actually tend to think that the best wording is something like "I am happy and calm with my man, we have a serious relationship and mutual love." After all, this is the ultimate goal, isn't it? Or do you absolutely need N. to repent and return? If this option is simpler for the Universe, then it will return with my formulation. Especially if you release it yourself in your soul.

Share your advice, please: how can you correctly formulate the desire for the person you met for a long time to come back and we tried to build our relationship anew. Is it possible to write the Name of this person, but also write that "if he also wants it"?

Answer: I am always against the return of the former. Because there is a chance that his departure is for the best for both of you, you just realize it later. But I know that it is extremely difficult not to try to return back when the emotions have not subsided yet. Often such a return is possible. Therefore, I advise you to think only if you really want to, be sure to mention that this return is consistent with the subconscious intention.

My lover is gone and I can't forget him, I feel very bad. I understand that it’s better not to think about a specific person, but I don’t believe in any abstract formulations in my soul. I just want him... and I can't let him go.

Answer: My webinar Fulfilling Desires in Love and Decreasing Importance can help you.

Good evening. Tell me please. So I read a lot, but I still didn’t understand one thing, if I want to guess that a particular person could recover, how to formulate this?

Answer: something like "my brother (husband, mother ..) every day feels better and healthier, if this is consistent with his own intention."

Please tell me, otherwise I'm a little confused: in your desire, it is not recommended to write the NAME of a particular person. And you can write in a streamlined way about him, for example, "a person with whom I recently quarreled" or "a person whom I met for so many years" ???

Answer: I think it depends on what you want. If you make up, then you can write a name, write that relations with N. are improving, if N. also subconsciously wants this.

And the last.

Do not ask me how to formulate a desire, except perhaps in the most difficult and confusing cases. This is your desire coming from your soul, only you know what you want. While you are thinking about how best to compose it, it may turn out that you do not need it at all.

In order to correctly formulate a desire:

1. Affirm it in the present tense, as if everything has already happened. You can visualize, both mentally and by attaching pictures. But do not get too carried away, do not think that life is not sweet for you without it.

2. Don't be tied to specific dates. Let the Universe itself decide when it is better to implement it.

3. Do not use the "not" particle when making a wish.

4. Take the time to think carefully about the goal and try to formulate it in fairly general terms that include how you feel when you achieve it.

5. The desire must be environmentally friendly, not harmful to you or others. When in doubt, add language such as "implementation is only permissible in a manner favorable to all."

6. Desire should not include specific individuals. If you really want to include, add the phrase that "this does not contradict the inner intention of this person."

May your wishes come true!
Ekaterina, https: // site

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Hello, please tell me, "We sold our apartment for a high price" or is it better to write the amount, which is correct? Thank you in advance.
Answer: Write the approximate amount.


Good day. The article brings quite understandable recommendations to your desires. And good examples. I started a Book of Desires, wrote several cherished ones, but I don’t know how to formulate one thing correctly.
I have a sibling. We have a very good relationship. He is married. Two kids. I was on good terms with his wife until a certain point. Since my brother and I are very friendly, he sometimes blurts out (mostly to our mother, and she then tells me) that I allegedly began to treat his wife badly. She tells him so, but he does not see it. She began to attribute to me something that was not in sight. In general, there is a complete feeling that sets my brother against me. If my husband and I invite them to visit us, then we look for any reason to refuse, but we can go to our relatives and friends at any time, even with a sick child. I'm very afraid that she will manage to quarrel us and we will stop communicating. I have one brother and I have one with him. You can't quarrel with your family. I broke my head how to formulate the desire correctly in this case. Please help with an example. Thank you in advance.
Answer: I have a good relationship with my brother, if this is consistent with his inner intention.


Kind. Wish for a son!!! Fulfillment of his desire is my big dream!!! For the second year we have been trying to achieve, but apparently we are trying badly. It does not work. Here's how I make this wish!!! Do not use the name, someone else's desire not to speak. Basically, I'm confused! But I will be very proud of him if he succeeds, and my son will be very happy (already all exhausted). Please point me in the right direction!!! Thank you
Answer: If he is an adult, let him guess.


I have the following situation here: I want to do the tasks from the "Wish Fulfillment Week" again, but I don't know which wish to choose. One thing is needed to be fulfilled as soon as possible in order to become free, but it does not evoke any more emotions. And I want the second to be fulfilled because it inspires me, gives me a feeling of happiness when I think about how it was fulfilled. The first is about debts, the second is about implementation, about the path of life. I know that basically it's up to me, but I'm confused between want and need.
Answer: I would choose inspiring.


Good evening. I am a beginner and, because of my favorite job, I would like to ask you for advice. How to better or rather correctly formulate a desire. My sphere is an intermediary between a buyer and sellers. Real estate.
The last deal before the new year 2020 was very difficult. Somehow everything broke down. So the Universe brought you to this wonderful site of yours.

Answer: We make wishes ourselves.


Good afternoon, can I add to the wish book about thick and full of strength hair not a new photo, but an old one, where I have really healthy hair? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Answer: You can.


Tell me, is there only one wish?
I am a happy owner of a very chic black car. This is a beautiful car with a comfortable black interior and beautiful wheels. Inside the car, I feel comfort, confidence and peace of mind. I feel comfortable and comfortable in it. I am confident and happy driving this car. Thank you
Answer: One.


Hello! I have a daughter, she is four years old. And I want to go with her to another city and see the sights. And please tell me how to add it to the wish list? If names are not allowed, then you can simply, I will go with my beloved daughter ..., or I will go with my daughter .......
Answer: You can do much more with young children as long as you are responsible for them. The more responsibility you have, the more you can guess. And still add, "if it suits her desires."


Say here one wish or two?
I'm enrolling in a driving school. I enjoy taking driving courses. These activities bring me great pleasure and satisfaction. I successfully and easily pass my driving license exams. I'm happy to get my driver's license. Now I successfully and skillfully drive a car. I am a confident and independent woman.
Thank you
Answer: All three.


Good afternoon, please tell me where you need to store this wish list, hide it somewhere, or, as many say, burn it?
Answer: Write in the Book of Desires, and nothing will have to be burned.


Where "it won't contradict..."
there is a NOT particle, but they said that you can’t use
Answer: Read the comments and answers to questions.


Hello, I like a guy for a long time, is it possible to make a wish like this.
I've been dating a guy I'm in love with for a long time.
Answer: No.


How to make a wish correctly, I met a man, I feel comfortable with him and he, too, I want to start a family with him. Help, in the correct spelling of desire.
Answer: Well, by yourself.


Question about visualization: I often have a desire to draw what I want (my desire), can this be used as a visualization? Album for this. Like a wish book, and this is an album.
And can it be used in technology to make friends with fear? When you imagine how he becomes a friend.
Answer: Yes, drawing is generally a very good way. You can also make friends with fear.


Hello, is it possible to write in the health sector that my height is 171cm?
Although my real height is 163cm
Answer: There is no need for such desires.


Hello. Tell me, please, how to correctly formulate a desire: I don’t want to live with a man, my apartment, I ask him to leave, he promises, but does not leave. It can be like this: I live together with my son calmly and happily.
Answer: It is possible.


Everyone writes I want to return, I want to be near, etc. And I wish for a turn to get rid of the former living and the former who is no longer in this world. From all the past. How do I write correctly
Answer: Think how.


How to choose right now .. Beloved writes or wrote to me
Answer: Well, let's start with the fact that it is better not to interweave a loved one. The present tense is the answer to the question: what am I doing now? What he is doing now?


Hello, a very interesting article!!! I would like to ask you for advice: how can I make a wish about a man-lover! I just don’t want a serious relationship right now, how can I formulate all this ???
Answer: I cannot know for you. Desire formulation is a very personal matter.


I don't want and can no longer work with one very unpleasant person who spoils the life of the entire team. How to correctly formulate a desire not to work with this colleague. A particle cannot be replaced. Thank you.
Answer: Well, think of it already)


Hello! How to quickly sell goods I have a business, I sell men's shoes, how to formulate so that I quickly sell
Answer: Well, by yourself.


Hello. I re-read so much today about desires, but your site interested me the most. Tell me please. I live with a civil husband, two children, one is not his own, the second is his own. Is that good for guessing? "My man loves me, appreciates, respects. My man is faithful to me. We live happily together, with pleasure raising children, my daughter and our son"
Answer: Write to yourself, but without hints, what kind of a man.


Good afternoon! Thanks for the useful information!
A small wish to the authors - in the text to follow the rules that you write about.
For example, in the phrase (I quote with the author's spelling) "... then clearly state in the wording that the performance is permissible only if it does not contradict the inner thoughts of this person."
The phrase "... if it does not contradict" - contradicts the important rule to dispense with the particle "not" when formulating a desire. Alternatively, it can be replaced by "... if it is consistent with the inner thoughts of this person."
Let's learn together :)


Very good article! Please tell me only if I want to have more understanding with my boyfriend, can I write his name? Or also with an indication that this does not contradict his inner intentions. Just in the article all the examples about the return of the former
Answer: No, you don't need a name. Write everything about yourself, I have a good relationship with my young man, and so. No name.


Hello, I can’t formulate a desire for it to be environmentally friendly. Well, my mom and I have a strained relationship, especially now that she wants to buy a new apartment. She wants to take part of the amount on credit and that I also pay for it or even take it on me. And I don’t even have enough money to educate myself, and I don’t have the strength to work where I work. Plus, I don’t want to move to live from an almost three-room apartment in which I have at least some room to a two-room apartment and live with my brother. I myself still plan to move as soon as the money appears, I’m still not small, I’m already 25. I understand that she needs it, but I can’t shut up mine either. How to make a wish to solve this problem? And my mother safely bought the apartment she wanted and to establish relations with her. And then after every conversation with her I feel like a nonentity and an egoist.
Answer: It is better to write to the Destroyer. Use the Hawaiian technique for the situation and for the relationship with your mother. If possible, move out to a rented room or somewhere. You can’t take a loan, since you obviously have nothing to pay with, you can drive yourself into a hole, plus the fear every month that the time is coming to pay, will develop the psychology of poverty.


SOS...Sorry, tell me.. I want to sell the car. How to write? I am selling a car... (This is the present tense) or I have sold a car (this is the past). I can't figure it out... Thanks.
Answer: Read the article yourself.


Hello. And how to write so that my second son enters the University. If you can't give a name and if you have 3 sons, can you write "Second son" or "Middle son"? spamybo
Answer: And this desire does not concern you.


wy cudesny na 100%


Tell me, after the desire is formulated and written down, do you need to read it every day or let go and forget? Thanks
Answer: As you like.


Good evening. Tell me please, is it important that the leaves of the Book of Desires be in a line or in a box?
Answer: It doesn't matter. I only conduct online and never thought about cells.


Please tell me, is it possible to rewrite the New Year's wish or leave it as it was? And is it possible to make a wish in this way and not to paint, but to visualize the desire or is it necessary to paint it? Please correct your request.
In my warm, cozy house, love, harmony and mutual understanding reign between me and my three cheerful children. In the best and highest way.
Answer: It is no longer necessary to rewrite New Year's. You can not paint, but you can visualize. But I won't correct it. This is your desire.


I am happy with my husband, prosperity and love create in our family. Our children are happy, like me and my husband.
How are you?
Answer: What about us) your desire.


I gave birth to a healthy beautiful girl in 2020. Correctly?
Answer: Yes, you can. If you are not pregnant yet, it is better not to indicate the year.


Good afternoon! Tell me please, did I make a wish correctly?
"I live with my husband in great love and harmony. My husband is faithful to me. He is generous with expensive gifts to me. I am at peace with my husband. This does not contradict my husband's inner intention."
Answer: We think you can talk about your husband, but formulate it differently. My family has a happy and harmonious relationship. They have loyalty, trust, respect and love. I am the happy and beloved wife of a generous man.


And so? I'm glad I reconciled with my boyfriend
Answer: Still undesirable. Maybe he doesn't want to reconcile. Better this way: I am happy in love, I love and I am loved, I receive an offer to marry and accept it. Something along those lines. As for only you.


Tell me, what do you say about the technique of influencing reality with the help of a psychological attitude using the words "I allow" and "I cancel"? Can they be used to formulate desire?
Answer: Try and tell. I know these techniques, but somehow I have not used them.


We broke up with a young man ... Please tell me how it would be correct to write in a wish .. 1) We made up with Sasha and he took me to live in Krasnodar or 2) We are with Sasha and he took me to live in Krasnodar ... Thank you .
Answer: No Sasha in the desire! Read the article.


Hello. Please tell me, if you can make several wishes at the same time, then how to formulate it correctly?
Answer: Separately, each according to the specified rules.


Good night. Tell me please. I have relationship problems with my eldest daughter (14 years old). The child completely ignores me and pretends that I do not exist. You can make a wish like that. I am a happy, beloved and loving mother of a healthy, educated, smart, sensitive, caring and hardworking daughter. To the delight of me and my loved ones. Or think a little differently? My relationship with my daughters is improving and we are getting closer every day.
Please correct.
Answer: More likely the second.


Is it possible to formulate one desire like this: "I see my man sober, leading a healthy lifestyle, free from smoking, self-sufficient and self-fulfilled" or are these two different desires? Thank you.
Answer: I think in this case it can be said so. In one wish.


Hello! After you have written your desires, is it possible to burn the sheet? If not, what to do with it?
Answer: Why burn? I personally write everything in the Book of Desires, there are no such problems.


Hello! My husband's daughter has blood cancer, a 7-year-old girl.
Can I write that I want the recovery of my husband's daughter and is it possible to write the girl's name?
Answer: It is better to let the parents write ..


Tell me, can you make several wishes at the same time?
Answer: Can


Hello. Please tell me and help to formulate correctly your desires under the chiming clock. Such a desire. 1) So that our family leaves for Kaliningrad in 2020. 2) To buy a 3-4 room apartment. 3) to make a good repair. 4) so ​​that my husband and I have a well-paid job. 5) so that my son goes to kindergarten in Kaliningrad and is healthy. 6) to buy a car there and pass on the rights. 7) so that there are no problems with the move and enough money for everything 🙏🙏🙏 thank you in advance
Answer: I do not help formulate desires, these are your desires. SAMI.


Hello! My intention is another person. After carefully reading your recommendations, weighing all the pros and cons, I decided to rewrite the intention. Is it possible to rewrite? Or how to be in such a situation? Thanks
Answer: You can rewrite.


Hello! Please tell me how to correctly formulate wishes for health. I have cancer.
You can write - In 2020, all doctors tell me that I am completely healthy.
Answer: It is possible, but it can be expanded. "I feel completely healthy, vigorous" "I am completely cured, I am completely healthy," etc. At the same time, read the article and download the book by Lance Armstrong


I don’t understand! You can’t indicate a specific person, even if you write at the same time, _ if it corresponds to his intentions! Then why do you write it, if you really want to, you can write it like that! !
Answer: I say that a specific person is not needed. If you're still trying (and many do), then at least use this wording. But you must understand that you can do worse.


Hello! I want to start a notebook of desires, lead by sector! Is it possible to leave blank sheets for future desires, and then write another desire? Or is it better not to skip and completely fill? 🤔
Answer: I did not keep a notebook of desires, I cannot say. I write everything in the Book of Desires.


Can you write wishes?
Where is the wish list?
Answer: You can. We store in the Book of Desires on this site.


Hello!! Please tell me how to formulate a desire if I want to get pregnant this year?
Answer: Well, it's simple.

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New Year is a magical holiday, and at least a little miracle on New Year's Eve
await even the most gloomy skeptics. And in different countries, despite
dissimilar, has one thing in common and unchanged - everything, from small to large,
believe in miracles. And in the fact that the wish made on this magical night
will surely come true.

website shares with you the traditions of making cherished desires from different countries.

13. In Spain, when making wishes on New Year's Eve, they eat 12 grapes.

In Spain, on New Year's Eve, you can find in stores packaged in
festive packaging of grapes, 12 pieces each. The fact is that on New Year's
night, while the clock strikes 12 times, it is customary to eat one grape with each
the blow of the clock. And then the wish will surely come true.

In Russia, champagne is a must on the New Year's table. Under the chiming clock, you should raise a glass and congratulate those who are nearby. Drink and make a wish. And they also carry out such a ritual: they write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it over a glass and drink champagne with ashes. If you have time, while the clock strikes 12 times, then the wish will come true.

In general, wines produced in the French province are called champagnes.
Champagne. Sparkling wine under the brand name "Soviet champagne", which is so popular
in Russia, appeared in 1937, and after that it appeared, liked it and took root
tradition to drink this drink on New Year's Eve.

11. Italy, seeing off the old year, gets rid of everything old. And enters the New Year in everything new

Italy celebrates the New Year noisily and cheerfully. And in order for the year to be successful and desires to be fulfilled, it is necessary to get rid of the unnecessary and the old. And by all means put on everything new. And Italians also believe that the year will be successful if you meet him in red underwear.

10. In Scotland, they make wishes while looking at the fire and let in the New Year as a long-awaited guest.

There are 2 New Year holidays in South Korea. Borrowed New Year on January 1 and traditional, Seollal, whose date is calculated every year by
lunar calendar.

Koreans do not meet the New Year at midnight and do not walk all night, but they get up early in the morning to meet the first rays of the sun of the new year. At this moment, you can make a wish, and it will come true. Many try to meet the first dawn of the year in a picturesque place or in the mountains.

8. In India, flying a kite is believed to bring wishes to heaven.

India is a country with many cultures and customs, and the new year is celebrated here
several times a year. Gudi Padva is the Hindu New Year which is usually
falls at the end of March. It is believed that this period of 3 days is incredible
favorable time for any undertakings. And wishes made at this time
are being fulfilled. And the Indians believe that kites can carry hidden
wishes directly to the gods.

7. In Georgia, toasts made at the festive New Year's table are sure to come true.

Residents and visitors of New York have the opportunity to fall under the multi-colored snowfall of desires. The wishes of people from all over the world on New Year's Eve will fall from the sky with tons of colored confetti in Times Square, and everyone can make their wish part of the magical snowfall. It is enough to leave it on the official website of the event or write it on Twitter or Instagram with the note #ConfettiWish, and on December 31, along with thousands of others, it will fall from the sky.

4. In Bulgaria, they make the most cherished in complete darkness. And fix with a secret kiss

In Bulgaria, there is a tradition - on New Year's Eve, when the clock strikes midnight, turn off the lights for 3 minutes. In complete darkness, you need to kiss the one who was nearby, any person, and the darkness of New Year's Eve will keep this secret.

And the year will be especially successful and happy for those who kiss a person dear to their hearts. And kissing Santa Claus in the dark is generally a guaranteed fulfillment of all desires.

Having made a wish, it is best to "let go" it, forget it, not think about it for a while, and then it will certainly come true.

How to make a wish on the growing moon or new moon

The full moon happens once a month, this night is considered the strongest for making a wish. It is best to prepare seriously and thoroughly.

Free online dream interpretation - to get results, enter a dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

Sitting at home, light a candle and think only about what you want for at least half an hour. Turning my mind to the moon.

On the growing moon and the new moon, you can use the paper method, cutting about 10 squares of multi-colored paper, write a desire and burn it separately, be sure to think only about desire at this moment.

At midnight, you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

Taking your hair, burn it in a candle flame with the words:

“As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), according to me, servant of God, (name) decay.

To lament only for me, not to know a single woman,

if only I, alone, would desire, only think about me, and only suffer for me.

As this hair does not grow back, so it is

no one will beat mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

- Love spell with hair

After burning, scatter the ashes outside.

How to make a wish between namesakes,

If there are people with the same names in the company, it is customary to sit between them, holding on to their shoulders and make wishes.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that best suits you and find out what hidden magical abilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden abilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devilish influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and the support of higher powers, one can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help to cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. We are talking about the ability to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of goodness and strength that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all indications - witchcraft. It is within your power to study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for good and done so that others do not suffer in their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

It takes at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor to develop inner strength.

Most of all you have telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be darkened by going to the dark side if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream, which you will never be able to forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise darkness will swallow you up and this will be the beginning of the end.

Closing your eyes, imagining what you want, and mentally asking for it.

On a birthday, blowing out the candles on the cake, they ask for the most important and necessary things.

The ability to dream seems simple and natural, but many people do not own it. This will happen for various reasons, including low self-esteem, lack of imagination, depression. How to make a wish to make it come true? You need to turn on emotions, believe in the possibility of fulfilling any dream and react in time when the time comes.

How to make a wish to make it come true?

1. Own or someone else's?

2. Acquisition or disposal?

Dreams should be fun. No need to make a wish that involves deliverance, removal, deprivation. For example, one really wants to move to another city, and a person curses his small homeland, formulating a dream “I want to leave Mukhozavodsk”. The desire may come true, but the new place of residence will turn out to be even worse, in fact the dream came true, but did not bring satisfaction.

Here are examples of how to make wishes correctly and incorrectly.

The brighter the thoughts and the more, the sooner the dream will come true.

3. You can only influence yourself.

An important question is what wishes can be made. There is a concept of ecological dreams. It means how safe it is for a stranger. You can’t guess that a particular person will love you or treat you better. First, it is not always useful for ourselves. It is worth remembering past connections, for sure you want to say about some of them “and how I just got in touch with this person.” Secondly, people have the right to decide for themselves whether they like you or not.

But it's all about wording. If you think "people love me", this will be an attempt to influence someone else's. But if you formulate “I attract the love of the people around me”, this is an influence on myself.

How to make a wish?

Before you start dreaming, you need to understand what you really want. To do this, there are a few simple techniques.

1. Automatic writing.

You need to take a piece of paper and a pen, relax, you can turn on the music or sit in silence, light candles or just dim the lights. It is important to simply create an atmosphere in which nothing will distract from the dreaming process. Next, you need to turn off and concentrate on the subconscious. Let desire come from within, bypassing censorship. Desires can seem reckless, unrealizable, stupid, wildly simple.

When the list is ready, you can analyze what has been written. This contributes to a better understanding of oneself.

2. Perfect day.

This exercise can be done in writing, orally or mentally. Everyone does what is convenient for him. Details are important in this technique. You need to think through to the smallest detail how the day would go. What time does a person wake up, where, with whom. What does he do after that, where does he go. If for work, then what kind, what exactly does he do there, what will he do after work. Little things like food, the number of rooms in the house, even the cup in which there will be morning coffee are important.

To make it easier, you can make a questionnaire for yourself, which will take into account all the nuances. And then arrange an interview for yourself.

To bring even more benefits, the exercise must be done in writing, at the end of it you need to analyze what needs to be done so that each item from the ideal day comes true, and then try to translate at least some of them into. That's why the details matter. A person can change jobs on the same day and will not be able to, but to start drinking tea in the morning instead of coffee or to arrange evening jogging is quite.

3. Meditation.

This technique has two varieties:

  • Listen to yourself. This technique is more complicated, since you don’t have to visualize anything, you need to completely and ask your subconscious to show your true desires. This technique can take a long time, as not everyone will be able to catch the right wave quickly.
  • Talk to yourself. You need to ask yourself leading questions, as in the “Perfect Day” method, only here everything is concentrated on the images. You need to mentally create a space in which it is comfortable and be in it. Try to smell, texture, hear sounds.

4. Recharging.

Before you make a wish, you need to think about whether there is energy for its fulfillment. For example, I really want to become a marketing director and proclaim a department of 10 people. It will be difficult to do this when your head is full of thoughts about children, an unsuccessful personal life,. If energy is wasted on solving problems, turmoil or other desires, you need to make up for its losses. You can do this in several ways:

  • Connect to egregore. It is necessary to divide desires into those that can be fulfilled independently and those that require the help of the Higher Forces. Who it will be depends on faith (God, the Universe, the spirit of the deceased grandmother). Whatever one believes in will work. This is a very useful technique as it helps to let go of desire. For example, you want to get married and build a career. You can give marriage to the will of providence, but for now do advanced training. How to make a wish so that it will definitely come true? Clearly formulate that you do not refuse it, but give it into the hands of the Universe.
  • Make yourself a weekend. For a busy person, this is a luxury, but worth a try. It is better to leave the city, after warning relatives that you will not answer phone calls. Complete isolation and relaxation. It is important at this time not to think about work or personal life, you need to completely reset.

When thinking about how to make a wish to make it come true, you first need to make sure that the dreams are environmentally friendly and belong to you. Next, you need to choose the way of dreaming that is most suitable, and.