Palm Sunday: traditions, the meaning of the holiday, which branches are “correct.” Palm Sunday Brief information about Palm Sunday

If you see people on the street with willow branches in their hands, it means that a holiday called Palm Sunday is coming soon. The history of the holiday is extremely interesting and shrouded in legends. In this article we will lift the veil of secrecy and tell you where this day and the traditions associated with it came from.

Steps into the past

So, Palm Sunday... The history of the holiday has two versions of its origin. One of them is Christian. It says that it was on this day that Jesus Christ rode a donkey for the first time into the city of Jerusalem. How it all began?

In 30 AD, the distant and near surroundings of the city of Jerusalem were excited by rumors about a certain wanderer performing such miracles as healing the terminally ill and even resurrecting the dead!

They said that the blind began to see again, and the lepers regained healthy skin. And the most discussed incredible event is the resurrection of a certain Lazarus, who died four days ago, but emerged from the crypt alive and unharmed. Of course, all these miracles were performed by Jesus, nicknamed the Savior and Messiah by the people.

The Son of God quickly gains a huge number of followers and disciples who spread good word about their Teacher. Ordinary people see in Jesus their bright future, and most importantly, freedom from their Roman enslavers.

However, the authorities of Jerusalem, for obvious reasons, did not share the anticipation of happiness and joyful expectations - and no wonder. The appearance of the Messiah would have shaken, or even completely destroyed, the order convenient for them.

Riding a donkey

And then came the day that the rulers of Jerusalem so feared - Jesus decided to visit the capital of Judea. At the same time, the Savior, who usually traveled on foot, suddenly asked his followers to bring him from the nearest settlement a young donkey, which no one had sat on. When Jesus’ request was fulfilled, his clothes were laid on the donkey, replacing the saddle with them, and the Savior headed to the main gate of Jerusalem.

According to those times and traditions, the entry on a donkey through the gates of the city spoke of peace and the exceptionally good intentions of the arrival, while a guest arriving on a horse symbolized That is why the Son of God chose a donkey - in this way he wanted to show that he came in peace and without malicious intent.

It was a triumphant entry! Jubilant people, without hiding their joy, covered the Savior’s path with palm leaves and their clothes, thus showing their boundless love and highest respect for the Son of God. Children, girls and women ran behind the donkey carrying the Messiah on its back, waving palm branches, symbolizing the highest honors. Therefore, Palm Sunday (the history of the holiday is connected not only with religion, but also (indirectly) with the geographical location and climate of Israel, which is why it is also called Palm Sunday) means the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, for God himself visited the city in his Son - Father. The holiday itself is a symbol of the fact that the Israeli people believed in Jesus and recognized him as the Messiah, the Savior, whose calling is to make the world a better, kinder and more harmonious place.

Alas, after just four days, the same jubilant people will frantically demand the cruel crucifixion of the one whom they themselves called the Messiah and Savior of the human race.

Palms and willows

Most likely, the reader will have a question: if the path of the Son of God was covered with palm leaves, why is this holiday called Palm Sunday in Russia? The history of the holiday says that this is due to the fact that palm trees have never grown in Rus', while the Palestinian climate is unsuitable for willow, which is dear to Russian people. Therefore, the Orthodox Church decided to change the plant symbolizing Palm Sunday. The history of the holiday, the Orthodox version of which is relevant today, suggests using willow branches instead of palm leaves from another, pagan rite that existed in Rus' in pre-Christian times.

Pagan holiday

As already mentioned, the history of the Palm Sunday holiday has two versions of its origin. The second of them goes back to the times of paganism. To be more precise, it originates in an ancient Slavic holiday called Verbokhlyost. What are the connections between Palm Sunday and history?

The fact is that Verbokhlyost is a festival of fertilization. In paganism, close relationships between a man and a woman were not considered a sin, but quite the opposite - they were perceived as a manifestation of a Divine act, as a result of which children were born. The children grew up to be strong warriors, hardworking plowmen, future mothers and healers and teachers. In a word, the more children there were, the more chances the people had for a prosperous life.

Cheerful custom

During the Willow Whip holiday, there was an interesting custom - the young men whipped the girls’ legs with willow branches, and they, in turn, laughed loudly and deliberately squealed. This ritual symbolized the act of fertilization. They did the same with livestock - after all, the larger the livestock, the more satisfying life would be.

Why exactly a willow, and not a plum or, for example, an apple tree? The fact is that for our ancestors, the willow was a symbol of rapid growth, powerful life and, of course, fertility. And no wonder - it is the willow that throws out buds and blooms first among all plants.

When Christianity appeared in Rus', pagan idols were rejected and forgotten over time. And yet, the history of the Palm Sunday holiday inevitably takes us back to those distant times.

The fact that the history of the Palm Sunday holiday began with the Willow Whip is indicated by the fact that in other countries, for example, in Slovakia, where the traditions of their ancestors are honored, this custom is still alive. There, even today, guys, without any religious background, recklessly whip young ladies with willow branches and even douse them with water!

Holiday without date

When exactly is Palm Sunday celebrated? The history of the holiday is directly related to Easter, and is celebrated a week before its onset, immediately after. Since Easter also occurs on a different day each time, Palm Sunday also falls on different dates.

The power of the willow

On the Saturday before Palm Sunday, an all-night vigil is held in all Orthodox churches, during which the priests sprinkle them with holy water, sanctifying the willow and giving it magical properties.

For example, it protects the house from thunderstorms and fires, all its inhabitants - from and willow buds cure many diseases. That is why the willow brought from the church is placed at the head of the bed on which an ill person is lying, and children are also lightly lashed with shoots so that they grow up healthy and strong. In addition, it is customary to bathe little ones in a decoction of consecrated willow branches to keep them healthy. It is also believed that willow buds help overcome infertility, so many desperate women who dream of a child eat them and pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Palm diet

All Orthodox Christians strictly observe Lent before Easter. The days of Holy Week are especially harsh in this regard, when true believers strictly limit themselves to food. And yet, on Palm Sunday, everyone can indulge themselves and pamper their body with fish, washed down with wine.

And a long time ago in Rus', to celebrate Palm Sunday, they baked buckwheat pancakes, cooked mash and prepared fish pies. In addition, there was an interesting custom of baking holiday bread - as many pieces as there were people in the family. A coin was hidden in one of the loaves of bread, and the one who received this surprise treat was literally doomed to happiness, health and good luck for 12 months.

Fairy tales for children

Try telling your children about Palm Sunday. The history of the holiday for children, of course, should be adapted to their perception and accessible to the understanding of little Orthodox Christians. Show your kids beautiful willow branches, let them touch, smell, and hold in their hands. Tell us that the willow is the first of all trees to bloom and brings spring to the world. After this, you can tell the children about Palm Sunday. The history of the holiday (photos, drawings and pictures are also advisable to use) will be perceived by young listeners as a fairy tale. You can even act out skits. Don’t forget to mention why we have willow instead of palm leaves, while also talking about the climate of Palestine.

, Palm Sunday(Old Glory. Week Vaiy, lat. Dominica in Palmis de passione Domini) - a Christian holiday celebrated on the Sunday ("Week") preceding Easter Week, that is, the sixth Week.

Every sixth Sunday of Lent, exactly one week before the holiday, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday.

Story. The history of Palm Sunday marks the day of Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem for the Christian world. The rumor about the resurrection of Lazarus at the hand of Jesus spread throughout all the cities, people saw in Jesus the solution to their problems, their new ruler, the king whom they would like to see on the throne. In those days it was a custom for the ruler to ride into the city on a donkey, showing that he came in peace. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People greeted him with palm branches, and the entire path of the Messiah's progress was covered with flowers. The palm tree in Judea was considered a symbol of virtue and closeness to God. Only kings were greeted this way. Jesus Christ knew that he was bringing people not an earthly kingdom, but a path to the salvation of their souls - the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus also knew the price he would have to pay for this.

Why then a willow and not a palm tree? Not all countries where Christianity is practiced have palm trees. Therefore, in countries they are replaced with tree branches, which are the first to bloom in the spring. Therefore, Orthodox Christians replaced palm branches with willow. In addition, among Orthodox Christians, the willow symbolizes virtue, renewal and new life.

Orthodox Christians began to call Palm Sunday, but Catholics still have the name Palm Sunday.

Signs, customs and rituals for Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, people bring willow branches to church to bless it. The consecrated willow branches, which are brought into the house after church, on this day are a symbol of the fact that people, just like the Jews in their time, meet Jesus Christ. Blessed willow is kept for a whole year.

Since ancient times, willow branches have been attributed healing and magical properties. The consecrated willow was considered a talisman for the whole family - they touched loved ones with a twig, wishing them health and happiness. There is a ritual when, after a church service, people come home, beat each other with willow branches and say: “I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as water and rich as the earth” or “Whip the willow - hit until you cry. Be healthy like the willow.” " and others. The meaning of the ritual is to wish a loved one health and well-being. And people simply believe that after such rituals, health, strength and prosperity will come to a person. Palm branches decorate the icons in the house. This ritual should bring happiness, prosperity and health to every inhabitant of the house.

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to pat little children with bunches of willow that were blessed in the temple so that they do not get sick throughout the year and grow up healthy.

Swallowing palm buds on Palm Sunday was known in Ukraine, where children ate the buds “so that their throat wouldn’t hurt.”

It is also believed that the water in which the branches of the consecrated willow stood had healing properties - they bathed sick children in it and believed that the disease would thus recede. On Palm Sunday, healers made various decoctions and powders from willow for a variety of diseases throughout the year. In the old days, this was how many diseases were treated.

On this day, men wore willow buds as a talisman to give physical strength to a young man, and girls wore willow buds to help them conceive a child.

Traditionally, on this day you can enjoy delicious dishes and please the kids with sweets. But, since the holiday falls during Lent, dairy and meat products should not be placed on the holiday table. On this day you can eat fish and drink a little red wine.

According to ancient legends, on this day no one drove cattle out into the street, as they believed that evil spirits would definitely spoil them. And the girls on Palm Sunday always combed their hair, saying: “Water, go to the ground along with your headache.” And then they put the comb in water and watered the willow with this water.

Palm Week, especially its last days, has many signs associated with the weather and the future harvest. In the old days they believed that whatever wind blows on Palm Sunday, it will be like that all summer, and if the weather is warm and clear on that day, then the whole village was preparing to harvest a good harvest of fruit. If “it’s frosty on Verbnaya, spring bread will be good.”

On Palm Sunday you cannot work, swear or be offended.

Photo: iStock/Global Images Ukraine

The willow in Rus' has always symbolized holiday, spring, new life, and future renewal. That is why it has also become a religious symbol. In Orthodoxy, willow branches are called “branches of virtue”: they metaphorically stretch towards the sky. By the way, the Old Testament says that people had to bring the “firstfruits” of living things to the temple... On Palm Sunday, those observing fasting are finally allowed fish and wine.

The willow is consecrated on Saturday at the All-Night Vigil. At home they place it in water, and then the branches can be planted in the ground. If they have stood for a long time and have dried out, they must be taken to the temple and burned in the church oven...

Another belief is associated with the willow: they say that on the night of December 4, when the feast of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple begins, shortly before midnight, the ice-covered willow buds open, making a crackling sound, and leaves even appear from them...

Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem riding a donkey: this animal was an emblem of peace, in contrast to the “warlike” horse. They greeted Him with delight: people even spread their clothes on the road to honor Christ. The rumor about the miracles performed by Jesus, about the resurrection of Lazarus, which happened the day before, reached Jerusalem.

But Palm Sunday is considered one of the most tragic church holidays. After all, the enthusiastic residents of Jerusalem expected political victories from Christ, that he would end the Roman occupation and take revenge on the enemies of the people of Israel. And when Christ did not live up to these mundane hopes, the anger of the crowd turned against Him.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh comments on these events as follows: “And Christ bequeathed life to us; He taught us that apart from love, apart from the willingness to see in your neighbor the most precious thing that is on earth, there is nothing!.. He taught us that human dignity is so great that God can become a Man without humiliating Himself . He taught us that there are no insignificant people, that suffering cannot break a person if only he knows how to love. Christ taught us that the only way to respond to the emptiness of life is to respond with a prayer to God: “Come, Lord, and come quickly!”

And those few who heard the voice of the Savior, who chose love and humiliation, who wanted to love at the cost of their lives and at the cost of their death, received, according to the false promise of Christ, life, abundant life, victorious, triumphant life... This is a holiday , which we now remember, which we now celebrate; this is the day of the most terrible misunderstanding: some are left with their house empty, others enter the house of God and themselves become the temple of the Holy Spirit, the house of Life.”

Initially, since the spread of the Christian faith, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem was classified according to the canons of religion as one of the most solemn twelve holidays (12 most important dates) and is celebrated a week before Easter. Like Easter, it does not have a specific date, and Palm Sunday is celebrated by all Christian believers. This is the sixth Sunday of Great Lent, which is observed by true believers. This is a wonderful, bright and spring holiday, filled with spring and traditions, belief in miracles and a wonderful life after death.

  • Rules, traditions and customs

What is significant about the bright holiday?

This is the last Sunday before Jesus Christ sacrificed himself in the name of all humanity, and the first day off when they finally believed in him as the Great Messiah, who brought his symbols of peace, goodness, love and eternal resurrection. He gave hope to millions of people who found faith, spiritual strength and peace.

Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, which was specially brought from Bethlehem, which is one of the most revered places in the history of Christianity. This was a very symbolic gesture, because he entered Jerusalem already knowing what awaited him. But he entered not as a warrior, but as the Savior of all mankind.

Upon entering the city, he was greeted by crowds of people who covered his path with another symbolic attribute - palm branches. Since palm trees practically do not grow in temperate latitudes, they were replaced by willow branches, which shine with silvery buds on this day in almost every house. Not all believers, and even more so non-believers who simply follow a beautiful tradition, know exactly why palm branches were thrown at the feet of Jesus Christ. And this is a very polysemantic and significant symbol, with which it is necessary to relate what was happening at that time.

The palm branch was simultaneously:

A symbol of martyrdom, and she was depicted on the icons of passion-bearers who suffered for their faith;
a material sign among the ancient Greeks to wish for health and longevity (it was given along with an olive branch and meant victory at the Olympic Games);
notification of those present from a convicted person leaving court in Ancient Rome, with a palm branch in his hand, about the triumph of his faith in the rightness and inevitable victory, and that the court found him innocent;
the ancient Greeks sent a messenger with this branch, who notified their people of the victory in the battle;
a symbol of faith in eternity and the preponderance of life over death, the triumph of spring and predestined justice in the Christian religion.

Note! For people who believed in Christ after his martyrdom on the cross and subsequent Ascension, the palm branch, or the willow branches that replaced it, meant a symbol of Christ’s victory over death. This fateful event took place on Easter, and convinced adherents of the rightness and justice of the accepted faith, which brings goodness and justice.

The ambiguity of the symbol, replaced in Orthodoxy by willow branches, has not yet undergone any changes, although more than a dozen centuries have passed since that time. This symbol remained a sign with which angels and martyrs were depicted, but at the same time the willow branch is a symbol of victory and peace.

This is the deep background that every person who celebrates Palm Sunday takes into his hands and places in his home. But even if he does not know theological subtleties, he still turns to God with a request to give him the strength and will to go through earthly trials, win victory over death, and live life in peace and prosperity.

On this day, a believer must certainly consecrate cut willow branches, which in Orthodoxy are considered a sacred and multi-valued symbol, transformed by church decree. They must be placed near the icon immediately after consecration. Such a modest bouquet should last all year. It protects a person’s home from fire and misfortune, and he himself from illness and weakness of spirit.

Why willow branches and what else is associated with this holiday

Orthodoxy is a Christian religion that was transformed under the influence of the mentality, beliefs of the people who accepted it and climatic features. When replacing a palm branch with a willow twig, the early beliefs and signs of the Slavs were taken into account:

The tree with fluffy buds was planted near water sources and wells so that the water would be purified naturally, because the Slavs believed that it had miraculous properties;
twigs were planted near the house where a girl of marriageable age lived; they simultaneously announced this and served as a sign of imminent marriage if they were quickly accepted and grew;
kidneys were considered a pain reliever for throat diseases;
the willow was the guardian of livestock and was certainly planted near the places where they were kept;
branches of willow, consecrated in the church, were used to fan the bee sheds, cowshed and other premises after the church service, put out fires, and lit a fire for Easter, drove off a strong thunderstorm, and even put a twig in the coffin of the deceased.

Ancestors beat children with willow on Palm Sunday because they believed that it would bring them peace, health, happiness and promote rapid growth. It was believed that branches brought to the church after consecration helped infertile women get pregnant and protect themselves from dark forces and natural disasters.

There are many beliefs and customs associated with twigs blessed in the church. Those who celebrate this holiday by going to church with branches in hand should know a little about the existing rules.

Rules, traditions and customs

Under no circumstances should consecrated willow be thrown away, even if a new Palm Sunday is approaching. It definitely needs to be burned to remove all the negativity that unkind people or sad events brought into the house. In Rus', dry branches taken from the icon were used to light the oven in which Easter baked goods were baked. They can be lowered down the river or carried back to the church - and nothing more.

Among the Western Slavs and Belarusians, such bouquets were taken to the graves of their ancestors every year. They were left there as a talisman and a request for additional protection. But all Slavs believed that throwing away a dry consecrated bunch of willow meant incurring fatal illnesses.

On Palm Sunday, according to Christian canons, you should go to church. Sometimes people go to the cemetery on this day, clean the graves, paint the crosses and fences. After returning from the cemetery, you should definitely sit down at the table with the whole family at lunchtime.

For reference!
Fasting on this day is observed with some concessions, for example, you can drink a little red wine and eat fish - boiled or steamed.

As Palm Sunday approaches, signs become especially important and significant. At this time, it is customary to make forecasts almost a year in advance about the weather and the future harvest.

Lazarev Saturday

Another holiday celebrated on Saturday of Palm Week is the Resurrection of Lazarus.

They sent news to Jesus that his friend and associate Lazarus from Bethany was seriously ill, and they asked him to hurry. It was not clear why Christ was in no hurry. And only after the news that Lazarus had died did he set off.

When he arrived in Bethany, four days had already passed since his death. The relatives and friends of the deceased were in deep sorrow. Jesus prayed earnestly near the cave where Lazarus was buried.

He cried out to God to perform a miracle. After the prayer, the stone blocking the entrance was moved away, and those present saw the miracle of the resurrection. 4 days ago Lazarus turned out to be alive.

Christians have been celebrating Lazarus Saturday since the 4th century. Three and a half centuries later, a certain canon for holding services on this day was developed. Chants during the service do not indicate an accidental miracle, but an important symbol of strengthening faith.

After sunset, during the evening service, willow branches begin to be blessed. This is the beginning of the celebration of Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday holiday

As already written above, Palm Sunday, according to church canons, begins on Saturday evening. But the main services and the blessing of the willow are held on Sunday.

Among other things, in Rus' this holiday symbolizes the awakening of nature after a long winter. It is not for nothing that the northern Slavs chose the willow as a symbol of this day. The tree is a harbinger of spring. As soon as the sun warms the air, fluffy lumps hatch into the light. They are the ones who give faith in warm days to come.

Orthodox Christians joyfully celebrate Palm Sunday. How is this day celebrated in Russia? People of any age go to the nearest church on Sunday morning to bless willow branches. Churched parishioners stand at the service, performing prayers and participating in chants. Upon returning home, it is customary to lightly whip the household with willow with wishes of health and grace.

Blessed branches are placed next to icons, braided into braids, made into amulets, and nailed to outbuildings. A year later, on the eve of a new holiday, the willow is burned.

If you know the exact date of the celebration, you can prepare in advance. How to calculate what date Palm Sunday will be celebrated in a given year? To determine the date, you need to know what day Easter will be. Exactly one week before the Resurrection of the Lord, the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem is celebrated.

What not to do

Palm Sunday is a significant holiday for Christians. Any work on this day is undesirable. Some don't even recommend cooking. In the modern world, everything has become much simpler. There are services and professions that require daily work, regardless of calendar dates. But if there is no particular need for something, then it is better, of course, to postpone it.

In the old days, women were forbidden to comb their hair on this day, just like on the Annunciation. It is clear that this is hardly possible now. Although owners of long curls can observe the ban. Hair braided into a braid, covered with a scarf on top, can easily go a day without combing.

What other prohibitions exist on Palm Sunday? What is completely unacceptable is to indulge in gluttony. The end of the sixth week of fasting does not imply a rich feast. A little wine, Lenten dishes cooked with vegetable oil, fish - these are the basis of the festive table.

Holiday traditions

The main and main tradition of the holiday is the blessing of willow branches. It is believed that there should be exactly as many of them as there are people in the family. Some peoples use these branches to weave family amulets. Their strength is great. They protect the house from unkind people and fire, save from hurricanes and floods, from poverty, despondency and disease.

On Palm Sunday, signs for the weather and harvest are especially reliable. They are supported by families for generations. This is especially important for residents involved in agriculture.

The tradition of putting coins in bread comes from Belarus. In this way, you can determine who will have good luck and prosperity all year long.

In some areas, it is customary to place consecrated branches in the coffin of the deceased. This tradition goes back to the very beginning of Christianity. It is believed that thanks to the willow you can enter the gates of heaven and greet the Savior there. Among other things, the willow tree is a symbol of life and awakening.

Palm markets are traditional. Children especially love this entertainment, since the main product is sweets. In addition, pleasant little things for the household are offered and the same willow, collected in bouquets and decorated with ribbons and paper angels.

A tree grown from a blessed branch increases wealth in the house. Therefore, bouquets brought from church are placed in water and carefully monitored to see if roots appear.

Rituals and customs

Many folk signs on Palm Sunday have long grown into rites, customs and rituals.

If you live near a river, try lowering a willow branch into the water. If it floats away from you, then in the near future an increase in wealth in the house is expected.

Branches attached to the roof will protect the inhabitants of the house from illness and mental anguish.

Whipping children with branches on holiday is the most common ritual. With every blow, a wish for health is spoken.

Here is another custom for increasing wealth. Even if there is a complete ban on doing anything on this day, it is still recommended to plant a houseplant with thick round leaves. If the flower is accepted and grows rapidly, you can be sure that wealth will come to the house.

Rituals on Palm Sunday are traditions that go back centuries. Whether to believe them or comply with them is something everyone decides for themselves. For some, this is a principle of life, and for others, it is just a beautiful addition to a day off.

Use of consecrated willow in folk medicine

It has long been believed that willow contains enormous healing power. Sprinkling with holy water increases it several times. How can you use twigs brought from church on Palm Sunday? What to do with them to improve health? Here are some examples of the use of willow for medicinal purposes:

  • By taking a decoction of the branches, you can get rid of headaches, fever, temperature, and insomnia.
  • Rubbing the decoction into sore spots relieves rheumatic pain.
  • Willow infusion with vodka will help cope with intestinal infections and disorders.
  • The leaves are capable of healing wounds.
  • Swallowing consecrated blossoming buds helps with infertility.
  • Babies sleep more peacefully after bathing in water infused with willow branches.

Willow is used in folk medicine wherever it grows and enjoys well-deserved respect.

Folk signs

Folk signs for Palm Sunday have long come into use. They are passed down from elders to younger ones and become part of our lives.

Calm, sunny weather promises a warm, windless summer and a rich harvest. A strong wind promised cool weather.

A cold but clear day gave hope for spring crop yields.

A frost-free Palm Sunday increases the chance of an abundance of fruit.

The number of blossoming earrings also served as an indicator of the future harvest.

And on this day it is customary to mentally call on your loved one, and the meeting will definitely take place.

Every year for many centuries in a row, the church opens its doors to everyone who believes in salvation. Palm Sunday is a holiday symbolizing the power of faith and its revival. Willow branches and bouquets bring peace and protection to the house. Following the first rays of sunshine, hope for the best arises in our hearts. And even though this day is fraught with a lot of sadness, it is still a harbinger of the Bright Resurrection of Christ and the salvation of all mankind.